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I love you forever,
Love Mom























3. MANNER OF WEAR. Standards of appearance for all

personnel wearing the camouflage (woodland/desert) utility

uniform are as follows:

a. General. The standard camouflage utility uniform

consists of standard issue camouflage pattern headgear,

camouflage pattern coat/shirt, trousers, belt, buckle, footwear,

appropriate rank/rate insignia, and initial issue of socks and

brown undershirts. Approved force insignia will be centered on

the left breast pocket, and embroidered directly into the

fabric. All other authorized accoutrements will be embroidered

onto a cloth background and sewn on the uniform. Iron-on,

molded, stenciled, or pin on accoutrements ARE NOT AUTHORIZED.

No items (excluding cap) of the nylon/cotton twill and

nylon/cotton riplon poplin uniforms will be mixed.

(1) The camouflage utility uniform is designed to

function with the Personnel Armor System for Ground Troops

(PASGT). Appropriate authority may prescribe PASGT items for

wear with the camouflage utility uniform.

(2) The camouflage utility uniform shall be clean

and pressed to present a neat appearance. Although the use of

starch or sizing is authorized as an individual option,

excluding headgear, it may adversely affect the comfort and

durability of the uniform.

(3) All rank insignia and accoutrements for

the woodland camouflage utility uniform will be

embroidered on an olive drab fabric background. They will

all be embroidered with black thread except for the rank

insignia for ensign and lieutenant commander which will be

embroidered with spice brown thread; W-2 which will be

embroidered with spice brown and green thread; and W-3 and

W-4 which will be embroidered with black and green thread.

(4) All rank insignia and accoutrements for

the desert camouflage utility uniform will be embroidered

on a khaki fabric background. The collar insignia will

all be embroidered with black thread except for the rank

insignia for ensign and lieutenant commander which will be

embroidered with spice brown thread; W-2 which will be

embroidered with spice brown and green thread; and W-3 and

W-4 which will be embroidered with black and green thread.

All other accoutrements for the desert camouflage uniform

will be embroidered with spice brown thread.

(5) The Navy Uniform Regulation chapter two

requirements for smartness <article 2101.3> and personal

appearance <article 2201> fully apply to the camouflage

(woodland/desert) utility uniform.

b. Headgear. The following headgear may be

worn with the camouflage utility uniform.

(1) Cap. The cap will be worn squarely on

the head so that the visor is on a line and just above the

level of the eyes. The camouflage utility uniform cap

will not be starched or artificially stiffened.

(2) Cap, Cold Weather/Helmet Liner. When

prescribed by appropriate authority, the cold weather cap

may be worn in lieu of the camouflage utility cap.

(3) Hat, Sun. When prescribed by

appropriate authority, the camouflaged sun hat

(woodland/desert), may be worn in lieu of the camouflage

utility cap.

(4) Helmet, Combat Ground Troop. When

prescribed by appropriate authority, the ground troop

combat helmet (PASGT), may be worn in lieu of the

camouflage utility cap. When the camouflage cover is worn

over the helmet, it will be of the same pattern as the

coat and trousers.

(5) Helmet, Construction Worker's. When

prescribed by appropriate authority, the construction

worker's protective helmet, with/without the camouflage

cold weather cap/helmet liner, may be worn in lieu of the

camouflage utility cap.

c. Insignia, Cap. The appropriate embroidered

rank/rate insignia will be worn centered on the front of

the camouflage utility cap by all officers, chief petty

officers and petty officers. The bottom of the insignia

will be approximately 1-1/4 inch from the visor. No

insignia is worn on the camouflage utility sun hat.

(1) Officers will wear the regular size

embroidered grade insignia <article 4104.5> specified for

wear on epauletted outer garments. When wearing the eagle

insignia, eagle faces to the wearer’s right.

(2) Master chief, senior chief, and chief

petty officers will wear the 1-1/4 inch embroidered

miniature cap device <article 4321.3e> specified for wear

on the garrison cap.

(3) First, second, and third class petty

officers will wear the regular size embroidered petty

officer cap device prescribed for wear with the command

ball cap <article 4331.2e>.

(4) E1/2/3 personnel will not wear a cap


r. Insignia, Shoulder. Officers, Warrant

Officers, and Chief Petty Officers will wear embroidered

rank insignia of the same size worn on their shirt

collars. The grade insignia will be centered on shoulder

straps of the camouflage cold weather jacket (field

jacket). Place the outer edge of each device

approximately 3/4 inch from the squared end of the

shoulder strap <articles 4103.4 and 4213>.

s. Breast Insignia

(1) Command Insignia (Command-at-Sea,

Command Ashore/Project Manager) are embroidered, and worn

by eligible officers in accordance with <article 5201.1c>.

(2) Two earned warfare or other qualification

insignia may be worn as described in <article 5201.2c>.

The size of the fabric strip on which they are

embroidered will be rectangular/square, and the approximate

size of the insignia. The primary earned embroidered

breast insignia will be worn above the "U.S. Navy"

identification marking on the shirt, located approximately

1/4 inch above the top edge of the fabric strip. The

secondary earned embroidered breast insignia will be worn

on the left breast pocket flap, located approximately 1/4

inch below the bottom edge of the "U.S. Navy" fabric strip.

t. Leather Equipment. Standard black leather

equipment is authorized for wear with the camouflage

utility uniform. Black web or nylon guard belts may be

worn in lieu of leather equipment.

u. Identification Badges

(1) Navy Fleet/Force/Command Master Chief,

Command Senior Chief, and Command Chief badges shall be

embroidered and worn as described in <article 5101.3e>.

However, male members with an approved force insignia on

their left breast pocket will wear their badges centered on

the right pocket so as not to conceal the force insignia.

(2) Career Counselor and Master-at-Arms

badges shall be embroidered and worn as described in

<articles 5101.3g and 5101.3j>. However, male members with

an approved force insignia on their left breast pocket will

wear their badges centered on the right pocket so as not to

conceal the force insignia. Females will center the badge

approximately 1/4 inch above the "U.S. NAVY" tag/breast

insignia over the left breast pocket.

(3) Command/unit patches or insignia,

individual or personal, are not authorized.

v. Identification Markings. Identification

marking for the camouflage utility uniform consists of the

wearer's surname and the words "U.S. NAVY" embroidered in

approximately 3/4 inch block letters on approximately 1-1/4

inch wide fabric strips (the width of the pocket), which is

then sewn to the uniform. Names exceedingly long can be

embroidered in approximately 1/2 inch letters. Proper

locations of fabric strips are as follows.

(1) Shirt

(a) A fabric strip containing the

wearer's surname will be sewn above and flush with the top

of the wearer's right shirt pocket.

(b) A fabric strip containing the words

"U.S. NAVY" will be sewn above and flush with the top of

the wearer's left shirt pocket.

(c) An approved force insignia will be

centered on the wearer’s left breast pocket and embroidered

directly into the fabric.

(d) Rating badges will not be worn on

the sleeve nor will ratings be stenciled on the camouflage

utility shirt.

(e) Command/unit patches or insignia,

individual or personal, are not authorized.

(2) Trousers. A fabric strip containing the

wearer's surname will be sewn above and flush with the top

of the right rear trouser pocket.

(3) Coat, Camouflage Cold Weather (Field


(a) A fabric strip containing the

wearer's surname will be sewn above and flush with the top

of the right coat pocket.

(b) A fabric strip containing the words

"U.S. NAVY" will be sewn above and flush with the top of

the left coat pocket.

(c) An approved force insignia will be

centered on the wearer’s left breast pocket and embroidered

directly into the fabric.

(d) Command/unit patches or insignia,

individual or personal, are not authorized.

w. Authorized Modifications For Environmental

Extremes. The following modifications are not authorized

uniform changes; rather, they are exceptions which may be

granted by appropriate authority.

(1) Shirt. The camouflage utility shirt may

be removed on job sites or in work spaces.

(2) Trousers. The camouflage utility

trousers may be worn unbloused on job sites or in


x. Female Maternity Work Uniform. Appropriate

authority may authorize the following uniform for wear by

Page 6-60

pregnant unit members as a substitute for the maternity

dungarees/utilities uniform, should they desire to maintain

uniformity throughout their commands. If worn, it will be

embroidered with the following:

(1) Rank/rate insignia prescribed in

<article 6802.3q> will be worn on the camouflage utility

uniform shirt.

(2) Name and service fabric strips

prescribed in <article 6802.3v> will be worn on the

maternity work uniform. On the maternity shirt, the top of

the fabric strips will be placed approximately on line with

the second buttonhole from the top of the shirt. Placement

of the fabric strips may be adjusted to the individual as

necessary to ensure proper appearance and comfort. Each

fabric strip will be the length normally worn on the

camouflage utility uniform shirt.

(3) The approved force insignia is not

required on this item.

Uniform Item

Shirt, women maternity work


Slacks, women maternity work


NSNs provided to assist in correct item

identification; ensure correct sizes by NSN are


y. Care and Cleaning. After initial issue of

the prescribed quantity of camouflage utility uniform(s)

and footwear, the individual assumes the responsibility for

their care and cleaning. Clothing may be tailored slightly

to ensure proper fit, but form-fitting tailoring will not

be permitted.

z. Grooming/Jewelry. Grooming and jewelry

standards set for Navy uniforms apply. However,

appropriate authority may direct removal of jewelry under

field operations or when mission dictates.




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